Wednesday, April 27, 2011

All By Myself

               Alone. All by myself. Privacy. Lacking company. Detached. Isolated from the rest of the world. This is something that is craved by millions. They just want to get away from the rest of the world to be alone with their own thoughts for a while. Parents long to get away from their children for some peace and quiet. Teenagers want to get away from their parents for freedom to do what they wish. Students want to get away from school to relax. Sometimes everyone just needs to have their alone time. A time to sit and really be able to think and not have anyone else infringe upon that. However, being alone is also one some people's biggest fear.
               It's said that someone just "needs to get away", they need to be alone, and be able to think clearly. But once that privacy is granted, it's nice for a while; until the silence starts to become overwhelming. Everyone around that you could turn to, someone to talk to, or even just to be around another person, is gone, because you told them to leave. The freedom feels great for a while. You can finally get things done that you're never able to without distraction surrounding you. You don't have to worry about being too loud, or compromising about what to watch on TV. Then hours have passed, and you begin to miss the feeling that your family or friends are right around the corner.
              In relationships one side of it will say "I just need some space for a while" to be alone, or explore other options, whatever. Then there are millions of people in this world who are absolutely terrified of ending up alone. That's the worst that could happen to them. It's just ironic to me. Privacy, freedom to do anything you want without a family or relationship holding you back, is something that is craved by so many. However being alone is something most feared in this world. Yet privacy and being alone are essentially the same thing. The one difference I see: privacy will come to an end. Being alone is forever.

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