Today at school while I was daydreaming in U.S. History class, I was thinking about what my next blog entry should be about. But I just kept coming up blank. I kept hoping inspiration would strike or something exciting would happen that may spark some interest. Well my prayers were answered during my last class of the day.
I was in the middle of a gas related lab in chemistry class when all of a sudden the loud speakers clicks on and a voice tells us "all staff and students are to evacuate the building immediately". My chemistry teacher told us to leave all of the lab equipment, and just get out. Go to lockers at your own risk. I then sprinted to my locker and got out of that school as fast as I could. I had it in my mind that maybe it was due to the gases that were being used in all chemistry classes that day. Then the crazy thought that there may be some sort of bomb threat entered my mind. But I quickly dismissed the thought, thinking it was crazy.
As I got on the bus there was a gaggle of rumors going around: a gas leak, a sewage line burst, etc. No one wanted to believe there may be a bomb threat when we were sitting in a bus just a few yards from the school. Later we were informed that there was a "mysterious package" left at the doorstep of the school. As if our school wasn't weird enough, let's add this to the pile of suspicious things that have happened in our very much upper-class community. As of now, I haven't heard any more about what is going on, other than that the entire population of the school is hoping for the dismissal of school tomorrow due to the so-called bomb threat.
The one thing I will never understand is why someone would want to do this. Yes, there are a lot of angsty teenagers at my school who can't wait to get out of there the minute they throw their graduation caps in the air, but to want to blow up all of your classmates? Honestly, what do they plan to solve by doing so? It won't change anything, if they get caught it will only ruin their lives.
A few years ago several high schoolers slashed all of the tires of the school buses, the next day school was cancelled. While that was quite the pain and expense for the district to deal with, it didn't actually hurt somebody. If in fact there was a bomb on the front step of my school today, and it hadn't been caught, who knows what may have happened. This little stunt gave us something interesting to talk about, but next time instead of laughing about all of this, we may be weeping over how the bomb wasn't caught in time.
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