Wednesday, July 6, 2011

An Apple A Day...

        I definitely have a new ideology. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Before you go on thinking I'm a genius for coming up with this brilliant new motto, please know that I may have stolen it from a Mr. Benjamin Franklin. Apples have never been appealing to me. So often they're bruised, mushy, or just downright gross. The skin is bothersome and can get in your teeth. They're hard and messy to eat. What's the upside? Well apart from the blinding pleasure that I find in the first crunch one may experience with the first bite into a really good apple, can't be compared to that of many other foods out there. Apples may not always be good, but when they are, man are they worth it. Apart from all of that, this wondrous fruit offers abundant dietary fiber and vitamin C for almost no sodium, low calories, and absolutely no cholesterol. Composed of around 80% water, this fruit can boost your immune system with ease with no fat. All of the antioxidants have health benefits that go on and on including healthy cell growth and breaking up bad cells that may cause tumors (particularly in the colon, breast, and prostate). The fiber promotes healthy weight loss. That juice out of the flavorful fruit that can get all over your hands and face kills 80% of bacteria, making eating an apple almost as good as brushing your teeth.
         Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases can be fought off by the apple's phytonutrients, almost as effective in fending off these neurological diseases as reading a book or doing a couple of Sudoku puzzles. Bone density is heavily increased by nutrients in apples. (Who wants brittle bone disease or osteoporosis?) Pectin in apples provides extra insulin, decreasing risk for diabetes. Less wrinkles and hair growth can be promoted by apple vitamins. Staying younger, looking better, feeling great, losing weight...Benjamin Franklin has got something right about his motto. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. This was thought out before the days of our modern scientific world in which we know all of these incredible health benefits of this fruit. Franklin cannot be thought of as anything less than a genius.
       In juice form, sauce form, cake (yes, I do make apple cake), pie, mashed chopped, sliced, diced, or straight off the core, apples are a truly wonderful thing. Cut off the bruises, get over it when you get a bad tasting one, take a napkin with you when you eat one. Regardless of the problems, the benefits are so worth it. I have been living by this motto for several weeks now. So next time you want a good snack that will make you full, while tasting good: open your fridge, take out an apple, and regardless of how you want to eat it...EAT IT! So what are we taking away from this blog...?


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