Sunday, July 3, 2011

Gimme Gimme Gimme A Snack After Midnight

         Food. I think we can all agree that this is possibly the most stimulating word that registers in our brains...specifically when it's been a while since our last meal. Maybe your dinner was small, and you're not quite sure if it'll tide you over until morning. Perhaps that sliver of cake left in the fridge is just taunting you; begging you to gobble it up. Regardless of the reason, I know for me, when I hear the word "food", my ears always perk up. The rumblings of my stomach increase into a roar. A beast waiting to be fed. Enter the beauty of midnight snacks. Everything is just better after midnight. Today, we got home from a Fourth Of July (yes, I know it's the third of July), celebration, and everyone wanted food. The late night activities burned through the meager dinner we had enjoyed several hours ago. Suggestions flew about. "Is it too late to go to Dairy Queen?", "We could make pizza!", "Do we have any good frozen dishes we could heat up?", "Maybe a fruit salad!". The possibilities for a midnight snack are just endless.
      That's what's so great about this extra little meal that comes from a long night of tiring events. It can be made of absolutely anything you want. Breakfast food? Sure! Left over Chinese food? Why not?! Experimenting with random ingredients from the cupboard, all the better! After midnight, you can put cheese sauce on anything, and it is instantly gourmet. Coat anything in frosting, and it's delectable. Why is it that after midnight, things like what foods go together, and what's appropriate to eat just ceases to matter anymore? The lowered inhibitions, increased hunger, or maybe just the slap-happy attitude that comes from the late hour. Whatever it is, I adore it.
     No snack at any time of the day, no matter what it's made of, is as good as a midnight snack. That time of night when I sneak downstairs with my sister to make the pasta that we have been craving ever since we saw a big plate of spaghetti on TV. When you break out the can of frosting to dip cookies in with your friends. That big bowl of fresh fruit that is easily devoured in a matter of seconds. Each bite of watermelon is smothered with hushed giggles. Friends will shush one another in order to not wake up their parents, only to find themselves unable to contain their loud laughter a moment later. Food is just...better after midnight.

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