Sunday, May 22, 2011

Adhesive Rain

             Those in the Midwest are currently in the midst of some severely severe weather. They're either listening to the great music made by the sheets of rain coming hard and noisily down on their window sills. Maybe some of the more worried folk are taking precautionary shelter in their basements or storm shelters, just in case some swirling clouds creating the current Tornado Watch turn into an actual tornado. Some like my sisters and I are running outside taking a little bit of a "shower" in the rain. Maybe some smaller children are climbing out of their own beds and sprinting as fast as their little legs will take them to their parents bedroom, wriggling their way in between mom and dad until they feel safe from the pounding thunder and the bright flashes of lightning. Regardless, we're all going through it together.
               Storms are my favorite kind of weather. During the day, at night, whenever, I love them. I used to be one of those children who would take refuge in either their parent or big sister's room. However ever since age ten or so, I've come to love them. My reasoning for adoring day-storms is mostly because, I just hate sunny days. Don't be tainted by preconceived notions of people who hate the sun, it's nothing emo or goth or whatever label you want to tack onto that. Bright sunny days give me a headache. It makes me feel guilty for wanting to just kick back and watch a movie with my family, making me feel like I have to be productive, even if I'm exhausted, which just makes me want to be less and less productive. When it's storming, I feel like there are no expectations, so I find that's when I'm most productive.
                When it's storming in the early evening into the depths of the night as it is on this fine night, I find that the storm just brings us all together. The same principle I mentioned before comes into play once again, there are no expectations. When it's storming, it feels like we can all just relax a little bit. It's not a time to be doing homework or working on projects; no, it's a time to gather in the family room, get comfy in pajamas on the couch, and watch a movie all together. It's a time to bake some cookies, eat the dough with a nice hot tea, and catch up on the TV show you've always meant to watch but never really got around to.
                  I'm in the Midwest. I'm right there along with everyone else in this area, tapping my foot along with the sheets of rain batting against my poor windows. Hoping and wishing that the current Tornado Watch won't turn into a Tornado Warning. Thinking about when I was little, how safe I would feel wedged between my loving parents. How when I took refuge in my sister's room, the raging storm would just seem to drop away. The thunder just became a beating drum, and the lightning a flash of light, nothing more. Storms make me feel at peace. This is for all of those parents currently welcoming their scared child awakened by the rain to take refuge in their protective arms. For the brothers and sisters who would put away their differences and stay up with their younger siblings to calm them down. Storms bring people together, always have, and I really hope they always will.

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