Friday, April 15, 2011

Commitment Issues

                Get ready, because I'm about to be a humongous hypocrite! I can't stand it when people start things that they are really committed to, enthusiastic about, and obsess over for a week, or maybe even over a month, but then just completely give up on it. This is worst when they're committed to something that's making a difference in the world, and they give up simply because they "don't feel like it." Commitment is a problem with everyone in this universe. For me, it's hard to even commit to a choice of what to have for dinner. I'll get out four or five potential meals and mull over the decision for twenty minutes before deciding what to eat.
               This comes up because at the moment, it's 11:33 P.M....I've been up since 5:50 A.M...I'm exhausted (explaining why my thoughts may not be extremely cohesive). I got in bed, and I thought to myself "nahh, it's late, I'm tired, no one will miss it if I don't write a blog tonight." So I began to read a book, but then a new thought crossed my mind: "what will reading this stupid vampire chick-flick of a book do to change any life in the slightest way? I'm committed to my blog, and you know what, who cares about what my reader count is at the end of the day? I do my blog for me, to document my thoughts. It's my commitment, and I'm sticking to it!" 
               The term: "commitment issues" is often used to describe a state of men in which they refuse to settle down with their girlfriend because they have trouble being able to commit to just one woman for the rest of their lives. But a relationship is not the only thing one should be committed to. So when you start a project, regardless of what it is: extra credit for school, a really big book, exercising more, blogging close to every day, or writing in a daily journal, if it's something you're enthusiastic about, stick to it. If one night you don't "feel like" sticking to it, the next night it will escalate to: "well I didn't do it last night, why do it tonight?" and eventually you've given up on something you were so excited about! So find a project you can get enthusiastic and passionate about, and follow through. No matter how tired you are, just push through, and it will be worth it again.
               And my eyelids fall.

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